Criminal Defense
Criminal accusations can harm far more than your reputation.
Criminal charges are a very serious matter and can have seemingly endless negative implications for your professional and personal life. At Saighman Law, we understand that sometimes good people make mistakes and we work to mitigate those effects for our clients. In addition, we understand that not everyone charged with a crime is guilty of said offense. We take pride in vigorously fighting for those innocent parties.
The attorneys at Saighman Law have years of experience in the criminal justice systems in both Missouri and Kansas and will utilize their knowledge and resources to protect your rights to ensure a favorable outcome.
Our services include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- DUI/DWI criminal defense
- Drug charges
- Violent crimes
- Domestic violence
- Assault and battery
- Sex crimes
- Theft and shoplifting
- Vandalism
- Property damage